Hepatitis C Help
Information for PractitionersPractitioners of Chinese Medicine may wish to address Hepatitis C with the following treatments.
The following information is derived from the Hepatitis C Professional Certification Program and is for practitioner guidance only. Visit the MRCE Foundation website for more information on the the Hepatitis C Professional Certification Program.
Acupuncture Recommendations
General Chronic Hepatitis Treatment
- Special points: –.75 from Du Channel T10/T11/T12 UB 18/19/20
- with deficiency St36, Sp6
- Four Gates: Li4, LI3
- Costal (liver) pain: Li14, GB24
For Specific Chinese Patterns
GB34, Li3, Ren12, Sp6, Ear-Li, Ear-GB, Yintang - DAMP-HEAT SPLEEN
Sp9, Sp6, Ren12, Yintang - DAMP-COLD SPLEEN
use moxa on Sp 6, Sp9, UB 20, Ren 12 - LIVER Qi STAGNATION
St36, Sp6, UB20, 21, 23 - XUE STAGNATION
Sp10, LI11

Herbal Therapy Recommendations
*Warning: Do not Use Chinese herbal medicines without qualified practitioner supervision*
- IMMUNE MODULATION (choose from following):
Tonifies Qi, Xue, Jing, strengthens Marrow, strengthens Spleen/Stomach/Kidney, and acts to clear heat and toxins.
Dose: 12-20 tablets per day
Tremella American Ginseng
Can be used in two ways. With predominant Yin Deficiency it is used in place of Enhance in chronic viral disorders. With a slight Yin Deficiency it is often used as an adjunct to Enhance. The formula tonifies Yin, Qi, Xue, Jing, strengthens Marrow, strengthens Spleen/Stomach, Clear Heat and Toxins.
Dose: 12-20 tablets per day
Strengthens Qi, tonifies Yin and Yang, and strengthens the Spleen, Stomach, Kidney, and Lung.
Dose: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon concentrated extract once or twice a day in hot tea or water
Cordyceps PS
Includes concentrated Cordyceps only, excellent for fatigue. In China this herb is sometimes used for cancer prevention.
Dose: two tablets twice a day to start
Hepatoplex One
Regulates Qi, vitalizes Xue, clears Heat and cleans Toxic Heat from the system. In order to protect digestion from cooling, this formula should be taken with formulas that protect the Spleen/Stomach.
Dose: 9-12 tablets per day
Ecliptex *
Vitalizes Qi and Xue, tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin, and tonifies Xue
Dose: 9-12 tablets per day
* Do not use during interferon therapy
Silymarin Extract (Milk Thistle) *
80% concentrate 400 to 800 mg per day. Part of many formulas that are designed to support the liver and treat HCV-associated disorders.
* Do not use during interferon therapy.
Clear Heat
Clears Internal Heat and Toxins, particularly associated with viral infections. Some practitioners use this with persons not on Western anti-viral therapy for its Clear Heat Clean Toxin effects with high viral loads
Dose: 6-18 tablets per day
Hepatoplex Two
Vitalizes Xue, increases circulation of the Xue and improves micro-circulation in capillaries
Dose: 6-18 tablets per day
Marrow Plus
Tonifies and Vitalizes Xue, Tonifies Qi, Strengthens Spleen and Kidney
Dose: 9-20 tablets per day
Ji Xue Teng Gao
Dose: 3-6 grams per day
Individualized and patent (pill) according to Chinese diagnostic patterns
Note To Practitioners:
For more information on the herb pills or to order Chinese herbal pill formulas, practitioners may contact Health Concerns, Inc. directly. Other herbs are available through various Chinese herb sources such as Mayway Herbs, Golden Flower Herbs and Springwind Herbs.
Interferon Treatment Protocol
Misha Ruth Cohen’s optimum plan for using Chinese medicine with Western medicine for interferon therapy.
Download the interferon protocol.

- Twelve weeks prior to interferon treatment (minimum)
- Run all labs (CBC w/ differential, Chemistry, Viral Load, AFP, etc.)
- Begin Chinese herbal treatment and supplements for HCV
- Hepatoplex One
- Immune formula ( your choice according to diagnosis)
- Marrow Plus
- Silymarin
- Supplement Plan
- Begin Acupuncture Therapy
- Two weeks prior to interferon treatment
- Run all labs (CBC w/ differential, Chemistry, Viral Load, AFP, etc.)
- Modify Chinese herbal treatment
- Discontinue Silymarin
- Discontinue St. John’s Wort
- Discontinue any Chai Hu containing
- Continue Acupuncture Therapy
- Week 1 of 1st interferon shot
- Run all labs
- Begin Acupuncture same day or day after 1st interferon shot
- Two Acupuncture treatment for first 4 to 6 weeks
- Increase or decrease herbs as necessary
- Week 2 to 4 of interferon
- Check labs (CBC only) for WBC, platelets, RBC
- Check Viral Load Tests Week 2 and 4 (if possible)
- Adjust Marrow Plus according to labs as well as Chinese diagnosis
- Week 5 – 24 or 48
- Treatment according to Chinese diagnosis
- Treatment according to labs
- Week 1 to 4
- Run all labs (CBC w/ differential, Chemistry, Viral Load)
- Continue Marrow Plus and all herbs taken through treatment
- Week 5 to 24
- Re-evaluate herbal formulas by practitioner
- Possible discontinuation of Marrow Plus (according to labs and exam)
- Continue all base formulas
- May restart Silymarin and other herbs contraindicated during interferon TX unless continued by physician on any maintenance interferon
- Continue Acupuncture on schedule determined by diagnosis
- Week 24
- Run all labs (CBC w/ differential, Chemistry, Viral Load)
Note To Practitioners:
For more complete information on the above protocols please refer to The Hepatitis C Help Book and The Hepatitis C Professional Certification Program.
You may also contact Health Concerns, Inc. regarding the herbal formulas mentioned here.